There are certain conditions that are called
Lifestyle Diseases‘ because they are caused by
unhealthy lifestyle habits.
These include obesity or overweight, Hypertension
and Diabetes type 2.
These conditions can lead to such devastating
complications as stroke, heart attacks, heart failure,
kidney failure, impotence and more.
Yet they are largely preventable AND reversible
with the right behaviour: Healthy Lifestyle habits.
A lot of patients think they are ‘doing all the right things’ and ‘living healthy’ yet wonder
why their blood pressure or blood sugar and weight are still not controlled. Sound familiar?
If you have been diagnosed with any of the above conditions, chances are that your doctor has
told you that you must change your lifestyle as part of your treatment.
Chances are also, that your doctor has not told you exactly what that means you should be
doing (because he’s got only 10 minutes to spend with you), and has given you a prescription
for some tablets instead.
Many people do not like taking pills (which often have adverse effects that need treatment with
more pills), and would rather be shown what they can do themselves, to improve their health.
People are looking for ways to empower themselves to take control of their own health and stop
being slaves to pills.
If you are one of such people, then you are at the right place at the right time.
Enough is enough.
It’s time to stop band-aiding your medical conditions with pills, pills and more pills.
(Pills have their place, of course as temporary aids, but they do not treat the cause
of the problem.)
It’s time to treat the root cause of your conditions: it’s YOUR time to overcome!
“The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar”
Discover How To REVERSE Obesity,
Hypertension & Diabetes!
November 22, 2014 – 10a.m – 3.00pm