Friday 11 June 2010

Beat Type 2 Diabetes With The 8 Pillars!

The testimonials continue to come in, and each one makes me so pleased for the patient, and strengthens my resolve to get the word out to as many as possible.

I saw a lady at the Practice today whom I'd started on 'The 8 Pillars of Lifelong Health' just a month ago.

Here are some facts about her, to give you perspective...

- She suffers from Type 2 DM
- She's on Metformin, Byetta AND Insulin
- She's overweight
- The specialist (endocrinologist) was threatening to increase her Byetta and Insulin doses because her sugar levels were 'uncontrollable' with all these meds.
- Her 'bad cholesterol' and triglycerides were abnormally high
- Her blood sugar level was crazy high
- Her HbA1C (done in Jan) had been crazy high (proof of the poor control of her blood sugar level.

So, a month after faithfully applying The 8 Pillars described over at, how has she fared?

What are the 'side effects' of living a HEALTHY LIFE, of CHOOSING to adopt HEALTHY HABITS?

Here they are so far after 1 month:

- She's lost a couple kilos
- Her 'bad cholesterol' and triglyceride levels have normalised
- Her blood sugar is much lower than last month
- Her HbA1C is almost normal
- The consultant has REDUCED her insulin dose
- She's got no appetite for processed carbs so is not missing them
- She feels very well in herself

She's moving in the right direction, though there's still more to be done. Bear in mind that these changes are the result of just ONE MONTH of adhering to an intelligent, healthy lifestyle plan - not a 'diet', not a thing you start and stop, but she's in it for the long haul, for LIFE, and from the huge smile on her face it's obvious she's happy to have changed tracks...

Folks, you CAN beat this disease simply by committing to making some healthy lifestyle changes. It's not rocket science. It's simply treating your body the way it was designed to be treated.

Go ahead and read this post again to refresh yourself on the 8 Pillars. Details of each one will be added to the blog so do come back to read more...

Have a fantastic, healthy, degenerative-disease-free life!

After all, it's your CHOICE.

Blessings to ya.


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