Monday 16 January 2012

The Trouble With Fluoride

For years, fluoride has been touted as being good for your teeth. For this reason it's been included in your drinking water (anybody find anything wrong with the concept of being given a drug without your informed consent?...Whatever happened to freedom of choice in this matter? I say if you're going to include an industrial toxin in my drinking water at least let me know so I can choose an alternative source of drinking water!).

There is ample evidence to show that even at the low concentrations found in drinking water, fluoride is harmful to the body.

Here are some facts about fluoride, you need to be aware: ignorance can be deadly.

First, here's a quick video from the Fluoride Action Network (

  • Fluoride is a poison (more acutely poisonous than lead), which is why your fluoride-containing toothpaste carries a warning that if you accidentally swallow it you must contact the Poisons Control Centre asap!

  • Fluoride disrupts major hormones such as your thyroid hormone

  • Fluoride suppresses thyroid function - up until just the 1970s it was used in Europe to treat over-active thyroids...could this be why there is a huge number of hypothyroid people today?...(FYI, symptoms of hypothyroidism include weight gain, lethargy/fatigue/tired all the time, depression, etc - if you have any of these symptoms get your doctor to send you for a blood test to make sure an underactive thyroid is not the cause...)

  • Fluoride reduces cellular energy (Archives of Oral Biology vol 27, 1982)

  • Fluoride in kids leads to enamel damage, the so-called 'dental fluorosis' (see the videos below)

  • Fluoride accumulates in the Pineal gland, which secretes melatonin, and disrupts melatonin production. Melatonin influences the onset of puberty. Could this be the reason we're seeing more and more early puberty in this day and age? Altered melatonin has also been linked with increased risk of Alzeheimer's dementia, cancer and other diseases.

  • Fluoride causes bone damage known as skeletal fluorosis which can mimic osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Fluoride decreases IQ. There have been at least 24 published studies showing the link between repeated fluoride exposure and reduced IQ. Yes folks your drinking water is making you dumber!
  • China does not allow fluoridation of their water because of the dangers of fluoride.
From Australia:

Is there Any good about Fluoride?
Well, according to the Fluoride Action Network, the current consensus in dental research circles is that:
Fluoride's (possibly only) benefit comes from applying it directly to the teeth, not from ingesting it.

Yet, recent large scale studies have found little difference in tooth decay in communities with fluoridated water and those without...

From the UK CAF (Council Against Fluoride

So What Do You Do About It?
If you wish to reduce the level of fluoride you ingest:
a) Use a fluoride-free toothpaste.
b) Filter your water with a Reverse Osmosis filter
c) Limit your intake of foods and drinks that contain fluoride eg teas (Black, green...)

But How Do You Then Keep Your Teeth Healthy?
By eliminating sugars and highly processed foods from your diet and brushing regularly with a fluoride free toothpaste!

You have been informed.

The choice is yours what you do with this information!

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